We have carried out a risk assessment to address the risks of Covid-19 and we have taken appropriate measures to control and minimise such risk in our workplace.
Our office and switchboard is open Monday- Friday from 8am – 6pm, we can be contacted during usual business hours on our main office number +44 (0) 20 7623 9477 or by email notary@cheeswrights.com. For urgent matters outside usual business hours please email dutynotary@cheeswrights.com.
We are determined to continue to assist our clients in these challenging times and, subject to government and health authority guidance, we are able to continue to provide notarial and related services while adapting some usual working practices and procedures.
Electronic Notarisation – we have provision in place for electronic signings and notarisations. This has already been successfully deployed by our firm in a number of situations and we will be very pleased to advise on the circumstances where this may be employed. For further details please contact any of our notaries.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s (FCO) Legalisation Office, the authority which issues apostilles under the Hague Convention in the UK, is continuing to operate through its offices in central London and Milton Keynes, we are therefore able to obtain apostilles, the process is currently taking 1/2 days to complete.
The majority of foreign embassies and consulates in London who legalise documents are open with varying levels of service, for further information about a particular country please do not hesitate to contact us.
January 2022