Scrivener Notaries Qualification – Philippa Slaney and Jake Humbles


We are very pleased to announce the recent qualification as scrivener notaries of our Notarial Associates Philippa Slaney and Jake Humbles.

A prerequisite to qualifying as a scrivener notary is to first qualify as a general notary, which Philippa and Jake achieved in 2021. Following this they have successfully passed the examinations set by the Worshipful Company of Scriveners, which include papers in advanced notarial practice, foreign laws and procedures as well as two foreign language papers.

Philippa’s specialist language is German and she spent several months earlier this year on secondment with a notary near Düsseldorf. Jake specialises in Spanish and during his training period he spent time working with a notary in Madrid.

This year marks the 650th anniversary of the grant of the first ordinances to the the Worshipful Company of Scriveners in 1373 and we are delighted to mark this occasion with the addition of two new scrivener notaries to the Cheeswrights team.

City of London, November 2023